Collection of xenon properties Z = 54 Electron configuration [CRC] 1s(2) 2(s(2)p(6)) 3(s(2)p(6)d(10)) 4(s(2)p(6)d(10)f(0)) 5(s(2)p(6)) Molar mass [CRC] 131.290 g/mol (natural isotope mix) Melting point (1 atm) [CRC] -111.75 C Boiling point (1 atm) [CRC] -108.04 C Critical temp [CRC] 16.58 C Critical press [CRC] 5.84 MPa Critical volume [CRC] 118 cm^3/mol Entropy at 300K, 1atm [CRC] 169.685+-0.003 J/(K mol) Enthalpy from 0K to 300K, 1 atm [CRC] 6.197+-0.001 kJ/mol ------------------------------------------------------------------- Van der Waals' constants (gas) [CRC] a=4.192 atm L^2/mol b=0.05156 L/mol The Van der Waals equation is (P + n^2 a / V^2)(V - n b) = nRT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dielectric constant [CRC] in gas 1.00126 Dielectric constant in liquid 1.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Viscosity (at P=0, claim that changes less than 1% extrapolating at 1atm) [CRC] T(k) 100 200 300 400 Visc(uPa*s) 8.3 15.4 23.2 30.7 Note 1uPa*s = 10^-5 poise ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean free path [CRC] P(mmHg) 760 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 l(m) 3.5*10^-8 2.6*10^-5 2.6*10^-4 2.6*10^-3 2.6*10^-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Molecular diameter from Van der Waals eq. [CRC] 4.02 A Molecular diameter from heat conductivity [CRC] 3.42 A ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thermal conductivity (1 atm) [CRC] T(K) 100 200 300 400 th.cond.(mW/(m*K)) 2.0 3.6 5.5 7.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak scintillation wavelength 178 nm (6.93 eV) Scintillation yield (liquid) 61000 photons/MeV ------------------------------------------------------------------- Density of liquid 2.953 g/cm3 Density of STP Xe gas: 5.858 g/l ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ion mobility in LXe 7.7*10^-4 cm^2/Vs [from Gee et al. J. of Chem. Phys. 77 (1982) 1411] Note that this is NOT a function of the ion mass (at first order) but really a universal property of the medium. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contamination of Kr-85 in natural Kr is 10^-11 Kr-85/Kr. Kr-85 is a fission product and it is produced in nuclear reactors (the above number is essentially the equilibrium figure for circa 1995) [from Science 286 (1999) 1139.] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contamination of natural Ar from Ar-39 and Ar-42 in air is estimated to be (Cennini et al NIM A 356 (1995) 526): - 3.5*10^-21 Ar-39/Ar from cosmic-ray activation - 3.5*10^-21 Ar-39/Ar from atmospheric nuclear testing - 1.5*10^-42 Ar-42/Ar from cosmic-ray activation - 7 *10^-22 Ar-42/Ar from atmospheric nuclear testing (in 1995) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Keys to references: CRC: Handbook of chemistry and physics, D.Lide ed, 76th edition (1995-6), Chemical Rubber