Attitudes towards science: A review of the literature and its implications
Using Questions Sent to an Ask-A-Scientist Site to Identify Children's Interests in Science
Children's perceptions of school science
Developing Attitudes towards Science Measures
Eyeballs in the Fridge: Sources of early interest in science
Science Education in Europe: Critical Reflections
Lo scienziato lo disegno cosi': Sapere giugno 2009 p28
Scientists connected with society are more active academically
Vosniadou - Elementary Astronomy
Vosniadou - Mental Models of the Day Night Cycle
Vosniadou - Mental Models of the Earth Conceptual Change
Computer-game construction: A gender-neutral attractor to Computing Science
Technology is Female: How Girls Can Be Motivated to Learn Programming and Take up Technical Studies through Adaptations of the Curriculum, Changes in Didactics, and Optimized Interface Design
Gender Differences in Computer Science Students