INFN computing nodes on CAF
- 10 dual P3 1.4GHz bought in 2002 for CAF Stage1.
- 34 dual Athlon 1.7GHz in CAF Stage2 (aka CAF).Up and running.
- 18 dual Athlon (identical to previous), order sent from FNAL on
Jan 27, delivered end of February. Burned-in in March. Inserted in CAF Stage2 on April 2, 2003. Added to italy group.
- 60 dual Xeon 2.66 GHz purchased in summer 2003. Burned in in December. Added in January 2004 to italy group.
Total of 122 nodes in italy group, with a quota of 122*3=366 process
- Priority access via italy group
- to check if you can use the italy queue:
- kinit
- setup cdfsoft2 development
- updategroup -r italy
- to be added to the list of authorised users, send e-mail to
- to submit a job to the italy queue, use CafGui as usual after:
setenv CAF_CURRENT caf [ or, if you use (ba)sh shell: export CAF_CURRENT=caf ]
and select the group italy from the pull-down menu. This group is under the long queue.
Donatella Lucchesi
Last modified: Thu Jul 21 19:03:52 MET DST