#define CPmix_cxx #include "CPmix.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "HSum.h" #include #include "mypart.h" using namespace std ; int iMaxTag(8), iMaxDcy(4) ; double dMaxTag = (double) iMaxTag ; double dMaxDcy = (double) iMaxDcy ; vector ListTH1 ; vector ListTH2 ; // ============================================================================= inline int CPmix::Hfill( char* hName , Double_t xvar, Int_t nx, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t yvar, Int_t ny, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, Double_t w ) { Int_t retval(1) ; TH2F* h = (TH2F*) gDirectory->Get( hName ) ; if( yvar < ymin ) yvar = ymin*1.001 ; if( yvar > ymax ) yvar = ymax*0.999 ; if( h == 0 ) { cout << "create non existing histogram " << hName << endl ; TH2F *h = new TH2F( hName , hName, nx, xmin, xmax, ny, ymin,ymax ) ; h->Sumw2() ; h->Fill( xvar, yvar, w ) ; ListTH2.push_back( h ) ; return 0 ; } h->Fill( xvar, yvar, w ) ; return retval ; } // ============================================================================= inline int CPmix::Hfill( char* hName , Double_t var, Int_t n, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t w ) { Int_t retval(1) ; TH1F* h = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get( hName ) ; if( var < xmin ) var = xmin*1.001 ; if( var > xmax ) var = xmax*0.999 ; if( h == 0 ) { cout << "create non existing histogram " << hName << endl ; TH1F *h = new TH1F( hName , hName, n, xmin, xmax ) ; ListTH1.push_back( h ) ; h->Sumw2() ; h->Fill( var, w ) ; return 0 ; } h->Fill( var, w ) ; return retval ; } // ============================================================================= inline int CPmix::Hfill( char* hNam , int ijk, Double_t var, Int_t n, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t w ) { Int_t retval(1) ; char hName[100] ; int k = sprintf( hName,"%s_%d",hNam,ijk) ; TH1F* h = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get( hName ) ; if( var < xmin ) var = xmin*1.001 ; if( var > xmax ) var = xmax*0.999 ; if( h == 0 ) { cout << "create non existing histogram " << hName << endl ; TH1F *h = new TH1F( hName , hName, n, xmin, xmax ) ; ListTH1.push_back( h ) ; h->Sumw2() ; h->Fill( var, w ) ; return 0 ; } h->Fill( var, w ) ; return retval ; } // ============================================================================= void CPmix::Loop( int nmax, int step, char* OutputFileName ) { if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); if( nentries > nmax ) nentries = nmax ; int processed (0) ; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry= nentries ) break ; Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if( (processed++ )%1000 == 0 ) { cout << processed << " " << jentry << " " << ientry << endl ;} Hfill("Cut",(Double_t)Cut(ientry),10,-8.,2.,1); if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; analyze() ; } cout << " end of Loop ; processed " << processed << " events " << endl ; EndJob(OutputFileName ) ; } // ============================================================================= int CPmix::GetTrackSource( int i ) { return abs(TkTag[i]) / 1000 ; } // ============================================================================= int CPmix::GetCharge( int i ) { if( TkTag[i]>0 ) return 1; return -1 ; } // ============================================================================= double CPmix::GetMass( int i ) { double mass(0.1395) ; int tkpid = abs(TkTag[i])%1000 ; if( tkpid == 666 ) { return mass ; } else if( tkpid>=100 ) { mass = 0.495 ;} else if( tkpid >=10 ) { mass = 0.0005; } else if( tkpid == 1 ) { mass = 0.105 ; } return mass ; } // ============================================================================= bool CPmix::GoodTrack( int itk ) { if( abs(TkTag[itk]) == 666 ) return false ; // skip soft pion if( TkeVt[itk] <= 0. ) return false ; // vertex quality if( TkeVt[itk] > 0.5 ) return false ; // vertex quality if( sqrt( TkPx[itk]*TkPx[itk]+TkPy[itk]*TkPy[itk]+TkPz[itk]*TkPz[itk] ) < 0.2 ) return false ; return true ; } // ============================================================================= void CPmix::ComputeTrackSum( int i, int *Q, TLorentzVector *TK, double *ZV, double *eV, int *nel, int *nmu, int *nka, int *n ) { int charge(1) ; if( TkTag[i] < 0 ) charge = -1 ; (*Q) += charge ; TLorentzVector *tk = new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0) ; tk->SetXYZM( (Double_t) TkPx[i] ,(Double_t) TkPy[i] ,(Double_t) TkPz[i] , 0. ) ; (*n)++ ; Double_t mass(0.1395) ; int tkpid = abs(TkTag[i])%1000 ; if( tkpid>=100 ) { (*nka)++ ; mass = 0.495 ;} else if( tkpid >=10 ) { (*nel)++ ; mass = 0.0005; } else if( tkpid == 1 ) { (*nmu)++ ; mass = 0.105 ; } tk->SetXYZM( (Double_t) TkPx[i] ,(Double_t) TkPy[i] ,(Double_t) TkPz[i] , mass ) ; double w = 1/pow( TkeVt[i],2 ) ; (*ZV) += TkZVt[i]*w ; (*eV) += w ; (*TK) += (*tk) ; } // ============================================================================= double CPmix::CosAng( TLorentzVector *a , TLorentzVector *b ) { double PaPb =a->P()*b->P() ; Hfill("testa",a->P(),100,0.,5.,1.) ; Hfill("testb",b->P(),100,0.,5.,1.) ; if( PaPb == 0 ) return 0 ; return ( a->Px()*b->Px()+a->Py()*b->Py()+a->Pz()*b->Pz() )/PaPb ; } // ============================================================================= double CPmix::DeltaM( TLorentzVector *a , TLorentzVector *b ) { TLorentzVector c = (*a)+(*b) ; return c.M()-a->M() ; } // ============================================================================= double CPmix::MissingMass( TLorentzVector *a , TLorentzVector *b ) { TLorentzVector B( 0,0,0,5.27 ) ; // B meson at rest TLorentzVector Y = (*a)+(*b) ; TLorentzVector N = B-Y ; return N.M() ; } // ============================================================================= double CPmix::SquareMissingMass( TLorentzVector *a , TLorentzVector *b ) { TLorentzVector B( 0,0,0,5.27 ) ; // B meson at rest TLorentzVector Y = (*a)+(*b) ; TLorentzVector N = B-Y ; return N.M2() ; } // ============================================================================= double CPmix::ComputeChi2( double z, int lowercut , int uppercut ) { double x2(0) ; for( int itk=0 ; itk uppercut ) continue ; x2 += pow((TkZVt[itk]-z)/(TkeVt[itk]),2) ; } return x2 ; } // ============================================================================= void CPmix::analyze() { if( IsSgn != 1 ) return ; if( PrbPil < 0.001 ) return ; if( eVDec <= 0 ) return ; if( eVDec > 0.05 ) return ; mypart theBz( 0, 0,0,0,0, ZVDec, eVDec ) ; double LepMass(0.0005 ) ; if( abs(LPId) == 2 ) LepMass = 0.105 ; int QLep = LPId / abs(LPId) ; mypart theLep( QLep, PxLep, PyLep, PzLep, LepMass, ZVDec, eVDec ) ; Hfill("Plep",theLep.GetFourVector().P(),100,0.,3.,1.) ; mypart thePst, TagSide, DcySide, TagDst, DcyDst ; for( int itk = 0 ; itk< nTk ; itk++ ) { mypart aTrack( GetCharge(itk), TkPx[itk], TkPy[itk], TkPz[itk], GetMass(itk), TkZVt[itk], TkeVt[itk] ) ; // soft pion if( abs(TkTag[itk]) == 666 ) { thePst = aTrack ; continue ; } if( !GoodTrack( itk ) ) continue ; if( GetTrackSource(itk) > 2 ) { TagSide += aTrack ; } else if( GetTrackSource(itk) > 0 ) { DcySide += aTrack ; } } Hfill("PTag",TagSide.GetFourVector().P(),100,0.,5.,1.) ; Hfill("PDcy",DcySide.GetFourVector().P(),100,0.,5.,1.) ; int nTag = TagSide.GetMultiplicity() ; int nDcy = DcySide.GetMultiplicity() ; Hfill("nTag",nTag,20,0.,20.,1.) ; Hfill("nDcy",nDcy,20,0.,20.,1.) ; Hfill("NumDcyVsTot",(double) nDcy+nTag, 20,0.,20., (double) nDcy ,8,0.,8.,1. ) ; int xTag = min( nTag, iMaxTag ) ; int xDcy = min( nDcy, iMaxDcy ) ; Hfill("DcyVsTot",xDcy+xTag, iMaxDcy+iMaxTag,0.,dMaxDcy+dMaxTag, xDcy,iMaxDcy,0.,iMaxDcy,1. ) ; double ZVTag(999) ; double eVTag = TagSide.GetVertexError() ; // if( xTag == 1 ) cout << "Vtx" << TagSide.GetMultiplicity() << " " << TagSide.GetVertexPosition() << " " << TagSide.GetVertexError() << " " << TagSide.GetChiSquare() << endl ; if( eVTag > 0 ) { ZVTag = TagSide.GetVertexPosition() ; double PulTag = ((zDec-zTag) - (ZVDec-ZVTag))/sqrt(eVTag*eVTag+eVDec*eVDec) ; Hfill("TagZV",xTag,ZVDec-ZVTag,100,-0.2,0.2,1.) ; Hfill("TagPl",xTag,(ZVDec-ZVTag)/eVTag,100,-20.,20.,1.) ; Hfill("TageV",xTag,eVTag,50,0.,0.10,1.) ; Hfill("TagMs",xTag,TagSide.GetFourVector().M(),100,0.,6.,1.) ; Hfill("TagEn",xTag,TagSide.GetFourVector().E(),100,0.,6.,1.) ; Hfill("TagQ", xTag,(double) TagSide.GetCharge() , 10,-5.,5.,1. ) ; Hfill("TagCos",xTag,CosAng( &TagSide.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector() ) , 100,-1.,1.,1. ) ; Hfill("TagDm" ,xTag,DeltaM( &TagSide.GetFourVector(), &thePst.GetFourVector() ), 100,0.140,0.290,1. ) ; Hfill("TagNuM",xTag,MissingMass( &TagSide.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector()),100,-4.,4.,1.) ; Hfill("TagNuM2",xTag,SquareMissingMass( &TagSide.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector()),100,-15.,10.,1.) ; double TagX2(0),TagPrb(-1),LTagPrb(-1) ; if( nTag>1 ) { TagX2 =TagSide.GetChiSquare() ; TagPrb=TMath::Prob( TagX2, nTag-1 ) ; LTagPrb = -TMath::Log10(TagPrb) ; if( LTagPrb>9.999 ) LTagPrb = 9.999 ; } Hfill("TagX2",xTag,TagX2,50,0.,10.,1.) ; Hfill("TagPrb",xTag,TagPrb,100,0.,1.,1.) ; Hfill("TagLPrb",xTag,LTagPrb,100,0.,10.,1.) ; Hfill("TagPull",xTag,PulTag,100,-10.,10.,1.) ; Hfill("TagCorr",zDec-zTag,50,-0.25,0.25,ZVDec-ZVTag,50,-0.25,0.25,1.) ; Hfill("TagRes",(ZVDec-ZVTag)-(zDec-zTag),100,-0.15,0.15,1.) ; TagDst += TagSide ; TagDst += thePst ; Hfill("TagDstNuM",xTag,MissingMass( &TagDst.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector() ),100,-4.,4.,1.) ; Hfill("TagDstNuM2",xTag,SquareMissingMass( &TagDst.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector() ),100,-5.,20.,1.) ; } double ZVDcy(999) ; double eVDcy = DcySide.GetVertexError() ; if( eVDcy > 0 ) { ZVDcy = DcySide.GetVertexPosition() ; double PulDcy = ((zDec-zTag) - (ZVDec-ZVDcy))/sqrt(eVDcy*eVDcy+eVDec*eVDec) ; Hfill("DcyZV",xDcy,ZVDec-ZVDcy,100,-0.2,0.2,1.) ; Hfill("DcyPl",xDcy,(ZVDec-ZVDcy)/eVDcy,100,-20.,20.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyeV",xDcy,eVDcy,50,0.,0.10,1.) ; Hfill("DcyMs",xDcy,DcySide.GetFourVector().M(),100,0.,2.5,1.) ; Hfill("DcyEn",xDcy,DcySide.GetFourVector().E(),100,0.,4.0,1.) ; Hfill("DcyQ", xDcy,(double) DcySide.GetCharge() , 10,-5.,5.,1. ) ; Hfill("DcyCos",xDcy,CosAng( &DcySide.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector() ) , 100,-1.,1.,1. ) ; Hfill("DcyDm" ,xDcy,DeltaM( &DcySide.GetFourVector(), &thePst.GetFourVector() ), 100,0.140,0.290,1. ) ; Hfill("DcyNuM",xDcy,MissingMass( &DcySide.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector()),100,-2.,4.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyNuM2",xDcy,SquareMissingMass( &DcySide.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector()),100,-2.,12.,1.) ; double DcyX2(0),DcyPrb(-1),LDcyPrb(-1) ; if( nDcy>1 ) { DcyX2 =DcySide.GetChiSquare() ; DcyPrb=TMath::Prob( DcyX2, nDcy-1 ) ; LDcyPrb = -TMath::Log10(DcyPrb) ; if( LDcyPrb>9.999 ) LDcyPrb = 9.999 ; } Hfill("DcyX2",xDcy,DcyX2,50,0.,10.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyPrb",xDcy,DcyPrb,100,0.,1.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyLPrb",xDcy,LDcyPrb,100,0.,10.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyPull",xDcy,PulDcy,100,-10.,10.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyCorr",zDec-zTag,50,-0.25,0.25,ZVDec-ZVDcy,50,-0.25,0.25,1.) ; Hfill("DcyRes",(ZVDec-ZVDcy)-(zDec-zTag),100,-0.15,0.15,1.) ; DcyDst += thePst ; DcyDst += DcySide ; Hfill("DcyDstMs",xDcy,DcyDst.GetFourVector().M(),100,0.,2.5,1.) ; Hfill("DcyDstEn",xDcy,DcyDst.GetFourVector().E(),100,0.,4.0,1.) ; Hfill("DcyDstNuM",xDcy,MissingMass( &DcyDst.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector() ),100,-4.,4.,1.) ; Hfill("DcyDstNuM2",xDcy,SquareMissingMass( &DcyDst.GetFourVector(), &theLep.GetFourVector() ),100,-5.,20.,1.) ; } Hfill("Ppst",thePst.GetFourVector().P()*thePst.GetCharge(),100,-0.2,0.2,1.) ; Hfill("Mpst",thePst.GetFourVector().Mag(),100,0.1,0.2,1.) ; if( eVDcy > 0 && eVTag > 0 ) { mypart TagB = TagSide ; mypart DcyB = DcySide ; DcyB += theLep ; DcyB += thePst ; Hfill( "DeltaE",TagB.GetFourVector().E()-DcyB.GetFourVector().E(),200,-5.,5.,1.) ; Hfill( "CosB",CosAng( &TagB.GetFourVector(),&DcyB.GetFourVector() ),200,-1.,1.,1.) ; TLorentzVector B1B2 = TagB.GetFourVector() - DcyB.GetFourVector() ; Hfill("CosTheta",cos(B1B2.Theta()),200,-1.,1.,1.); } } inline void CPmix::SaveHist( char* FileName ) { cout << " Output to file " << FileName <<"\t" ; // TList* hList = gDirectory->GetList() ; TFile* f = new TFile(FileName,"RECREATE") ; for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i GetTitle() << "\t" ; NormalizeBySlice( h ) ; h->Write() ; } for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i GetTitle() << "\t" ; NormalizeHist( h ) ; h->Write() ; } f->Close() ; cout << endl ; } void CPmix::EndJob( char* OutputFileName) { // HSum a( "CosB" ) ; // a.SumFirstToLast("CosB_Int") ; // HSum b( "DeltaE" ) ; // b.SumToMaximum("DeltaE_Int") ; SaveHist( OutputFileName ) ; } void CPmix::NormalizeBySlice( TH2F* h ) { // cout << h->GetSum() << " " << h->GetEntries() << endl ; for( int i = 0 ; i<= h->GetNbinsX() ; i++ ) { double sum(0) ; for( int j=0 ; j<= h->GetNbinsY() ; j++ ) { sum += h->GetBinContent(i,j) ; } if( sum == 0 ) continue ; for( int j=0 ; j<= h->GetNbinsY() ; j++ ) { double val = h->GetBinContent(i,j)/sum ; double err = h->GetBinError(i,j)/sum ; h->SetBinContent(i,j,val) ; h->SetBinError(i,j,err) ; } } } void CPmix::NormalizeHist( TH1F* h ) { double sum(0) ; for( int j=0 ; j<= h->GetNbinsX() ; j++ ) { sum += h->GetBinContent(j) ; } if( sum == 0 ) return ; for( int j=0 ; j<= h->GetNbinsX() ; j++ ) { double val = h->GetBinContent(j)/sum ; double err = h->GetBinError(j)/sum ; h->SetBinContent(j,val) ; h->SetBinError(j,err) ; } }