ICHEP 1998 - Vancouver, 23-29 July

Le trasparenze, in formato di PDF files, si possono scaricare dal sito:

http://ichep98.triumf.ca/info/sessions/list.asp (sessioni parallele)

http://ichep98.triumf.ca/info/sessions/list.asp#plenary (sessioni plenarie)

Per convenienza le trasparenze delle sessioni plenarie sono state trasportate a Padova e sono scaricabili seguendo i link sottostanti.


  1. Recent Results from SuperKamiokande (pdf file), M.Takita (Osaka)
  2. Neutrino Oscillations (pdf file), J.Conrad (Columbia)
  3. Experimental Status of the Standard Model (pdf file), D.Karlen (Carleton)
  4. Standard Model Theory (pdf file), W.Hollik (Karlsruhe)
  5. Searches for New Particles at Existing Accelerators (pdf file), D.Treille (CERN)
  6. Heavy Quark Production and Decay (t and b onia) (pdf file), R.Partridge (Brown)
  7. Heavy Hadron Decay (Lifetime, Mixing, Rare Decays) (pdf file), J.Alexander (Cornell)
  8. CP Violation and Rare Decays of K, m and  t (pdf file), D.Bryman (TRIUMF)
  9. Charm and Light Hadron Spectroscopy (pdf file), J.Yelton (Florida)
  10. Lattice Gauge Theory (pdf file), S.Sharpe (Washington)
  11. DIS Scattering, Structure Functions Including Spin (pdf file), T.Doyle (Glasgow)
  12. Diffraction and Low Q2 Physics Including two Photon Physics (pdf file), M.Erdmann (Heidelberg)
  13. Heavy Ion Collisions at High Energy (pdf file), H.Bialkowska (Warsaw)
  14. Non-perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory (pdf file), K.Intriligator (S.Diego)
  15. Experimental Aspects of QCD in e+e- Collisions (pdf file), D.Duchesneau (LAPP)
  16. QCD at High Energy (hadron-hadron, lepton-hadron and gamma-hadron collisions) (pdf file), J.Huston (Michigan)
  17. Perturbative QCD Theory (includes our knowledge of as) (pdf file), Y.Dokshitzer (Milano)
  18. Experiments in Particle Astrophysics (pdf file), M.Spiro (Saclay)
  19. New Developments in Cosmology (pdf file), R.Kolb (FNAL)
  20. Beyond the Standard Model Theory (pdf file), A.Nelson (Washington)
  21. Developments in Superstring Theory (pdf file), A.Sen (Allahabad)
  22. Future Accelerators (pdf file), K.Hubner (CERN)
  23. Summary and Outlook (pdf file), R.Peccei (UCLA)