10 MUONS The goal of this task is twofold: the development and integration in the CMS software environment of the simulation, reconstruction and analysis tools needed to fully exploit the capabilities of the CMS experiment in producing physics results using muons in the event final state; the detailed study of these capabilities and the definition of the strategies to obtain the optimal response in the various physics channels of interest, in close coordination with the other PRS tasks dealing with different physics objects. 10.1 Muon Detector Simulation This item cover the simulation issues specific to the muon sub-systems, assuring the implementation and integration of the relevant code in the OSCAR simulation program. In particular, the proper simulation in the GEANT4 framework of the physics processes involved in the muon detection, including multiple scattering, muon showering and delta-ray production, neutron background parameterization and punchtrhough effects, must be cross-checked against test-beam available data and already existing GEANT3 simulation results. The existing muon digitization code presently developed in the ORCA framework will also be included in the OSCAR program. 10.2 Muon Detector Reconstruction This item cover the reconstrution issues specific to the muon sub-systems, assuring the implementation and integration of the relevant code in the ORCA program. In particular the maintenance of already existing hit reconstruction, L1 trigger simulation and local track reconstruction code in the Drift Tubes, RPC and CSC muon systems must be guaranteed, as well as further developments to improve the code performance and to allow transparent usage of the code at the following stages of the reconstruction, including integration with other detectors and studies of alignment and calibration issues. 10.3 Muon Detector Alignment, Calibration and Databases The aim of this sub-task is the development of the software tools needed for the alignment and calibration studies in the muon system. In particular, the interface of existing muon alignment software with the ORCA reconstruction, together with the development of general software tools to displace/rotate in ORCA the muon subdetector units, is mandatory to study mis-alignment effects at different reconstruction/selection stages (L1 trigger, HLT, off-line) , to link the muon and the tracker alignment systems and to develop strategies for aligment corrections using the event data. As far as calibration is concerned, the simulation of realistic trigger syncronization data and specific behaviour of electronic-channels to be recorded in the Calibration Database must be provided, and strategies for calibration updating using event data must be studied. Finally, tools for converting the existing geometry detector database developed within CMSIM to a GENT4/OSCAR format, including recent and possible future updates, also from engineer drawings, must be developed. 10.4 Muon Test Beams and Monitoring This item has to provide and mantain transparent and user-friendly interface of muon test-beam data to the event object database of CMS, allowing the usage of reconstruction code developed in the ORCA framework in the test-beam analysis activities. Tools for online software (e.g. event monitoring) and forthcoming combined test-beam activities (e.g DT+RPC , CSC+RPC) must be provided as well. 10.5 Muon Physics Objects The goals of this sub-task are the muon identification at the different stages of the reconstruction and event selection (L2 and L3 triggers, off line), the definition of algorithms to identify and select interesting events for the different Physics channels with muon(s) in the final state, the development of benchmark physics analyses using the full detector simulation and reconstruction chain developed in the OSCAR and ORCA frameworks. Tools for common issues with other sub-detectors (e.g. muon-tracker matching, energy isolation algorithms, minimum ionizing particle definition) must be developed in close collaboration with other PRS groups. The setting-up of Monte Carlo productions, including the configuration of MC generators and the definition of relevant samples needed for bacgkround rejection and benchmark signal studies, is a crucial part of this sub-task activity.