Partecipation to Conferences and Physics Talks

  • Participation at ICHEP2010 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics with the talk ``Standard Model high mass Higgs search at CDF'' Slides (pdf) and (odp)
  • Talk at the First Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in heavy flavour physics ``Bs Mixing at the Tevatron'' Slides (pdf) and (ppt) and Video!(RealPlayer needed)
  • Padova Seminar (April 13, 2006) ``Bs Mixing Results at the Tevatron'' Slides (pdf) and (ppt)
  • B Physics Lecture at Corfu Summer school and Last RTN Workshop (September 4-11 2005) Presentation (pdf) and (ppt)
  • Fourth RTN Workshop (Pisa) Presentation (pdf) and (ppt)
  • Padova Seminar (October 21st, 2004) ``Results on QCD and Heavy Flavor Production at the Tevatron '' ppt or pdf Slides
  • Plenary talk at 32nd Conference on High Energy Physics August 16-22th, 2004 Beijing, China ``New results for heavy flavors and QCD tests at Tevatron'' Slides Proceedings
  • Seminar at Cavendish Laboratory October 28th, 2003 ``B Physics at CDF'' Slides
  • Second RTN Workshop (Bratislava) presentation(ppt) (ps)
  • PhD seminar ``B Physics Results and Perspectives'' Slides
  • Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle Durham Workshop ``Bs Physics and Prospects at the Tevatron'' Trasparencies (ps)
  • 8th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron machines Beauty-2002 ``CDF - Secondary Vertex Trigger'' Trasparencies
  • Trento seminar ``Fisica del B all'esperimento CDFII'' Trasparencies
  • Padova seminar ``Fisica del B all'esperimento CDFII'' Trasparencies (pdf part 1) (pdf part 2) (pdf part 3) (pdf part 4)
  • Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle CKM Workshop `` Delta Gamma/Gamma results review and future perspectives'' Trasparencies (pdf)
  • KAON2001 International Conference on CP Violation KAON2001 ``Future CDF/D0 B physics'' Trasparencies (ppt)
  • Presentation to the "Commissione 1 " Roma, May 2, 2000 Trasparencies(pdf)
  • XII Convegno sulla Fisica a LEP Trieste LEP ``Prospettive di fisica del B a Fermilab'' Trasparencies
  • Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste La Thuile 2000 ``Fully reconstructed Hadronic B decays at CDF'' Trasparencies
  • Seminar at the INFN of Pisa ``Misura del sin(2beta) a CDF'' Trasparencies
  • XI Convegno sulla Fisica a LEP MILEP ``Misura del sin(2beta) a CDF'' Trasparencies
  • III International Conference Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons ``B Physics in Run II with upgraded CDF II'' TrasparenciesProceedings
  • Presentation to the "Gruppo I" Roma, February 19 Trasparencies
  • 16th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos WIN97 ``Prospects for Observing CP Violation at the Tevatron'' Trasparencies Proceedings
  • Hadron 95, Manchester, UK July 10-14, 1995 ``CDF Results on B Lifetimes and Mixing'' Proceedings
  • XXXth Rencontres de Moriond (QCD) March 19-26 1995 ``B mixing,lifetimes and rare decays at CDF and D0'' Proceedings

  • Phd Thesis (in Italian)

    Internal CDF Notes (Fermilab)
    Donatella Lucchesi
    Last modified: Mon Jun 19 16:26:56 MET DST