Room 326
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "G. Galilei"
Via Marzolo, 8, I-35131, Padova, Italy
Phone: +39 049 827 7251
e-Mail: hidalgo [at] pd [dot] infn [dot] it
Personal page:
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I work as a post-doc in the Liph Lab of interdisciplinary physics coordinated by Prof. Amos Maritan. My background is on critical phenomena, information theory, and stochastic processes.
In particular, I work in how different aspects of phase transitions, self-organized criticality and noise-induced phenemena are releated with the everyday life of biological systems.
Before coming to Padova, I did my Ph.D. in the group of Statistical Physics at the University of Granada, under the supervision of Miguel Ángel Muñoz, working in the study of phase transitions and criticality in the context of living systems. Before that, I did my Bsc and Msc studies of Physics in the same university.
Education and Academic positions
[Jul 2015 – present] Postdoc position at the University of Padua (Italy) in the group coordinated by Prof. Amos Maritan
[2010 – 2014] PhD in Physics at University of Granada. Advisor: Miguel Á. Muñoz.
[2010 – 2011] MSc in Physics and Mathematics.
[2005 – 2010] Bsc+Msc in Physics (Spanish "Licenciatura").
[Sep – Nov 2013] - Three-months stay at University of Manchester (UK), guest of the group of Complex Systems at the invitation of Prof. Alan McKane
[Apr – Jun 2012] - Three-months stay at University of Padova (Italy), guest of the group of Complex Systems at the invitation of Prof. Amos Maritan
Selected Publications
J Hidalgo, S Pigolotti, MA Muñoz,
Stochasticity enhances the gaining of bet-hedging strategies in contact-process-like dynamics,
Physical Review E, 91 (032114), (2015)
J Hidalgo, J Grilli, S Suweis, MA Muñoz, JR Banavar, A Maritan
Information-based fitness and the emergence of criticality in living systems PNAS 11 (28), 10095-10100 (2014)
J Hidalgo, LF Seoane, JM Cortés, MA Muñoz
Stochastic amplification of fluctuations in cortical up-states,
PLoS ONE 7 (8), e40710 (2012)