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A rigorous approach to Statistical Mechanics related problems often produces interesting conceptual probabilistic issues. Moreover, Statistical Physics rooted models and ideas have a wide range of applications going from Informatics to Biology, Human and Animal collective behavior to Economics. My research interest is the understanding on a mathematical level of such models and their applications outside the realm of Physics.

Education and Academic positions

[Jul 2011 – present] Postdoc position at the University of Padua (Italy) in the group coordinated by Prof. Amos Maritan (Probability/Statistical Mechanics)
[Oct 2009 – Aug 2011] Postdoc position at the University of Bochum (Germany) in the group coordinated by Prof. Dr. Christof K ̈lske (Probability)
[Nov 2009] Ph.D. in Mathematics at the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the University of Padova. Advisors: Prof. Paolo Dai Pra and Prof. Dr. Christof K ̈lske
[Dec 2004] University of Padova – Laurea (Degree) in Theoretical Physics. Advisor: Prof. Gian- franco Sartor
[] Scientific collaborator in the SFB|TR 12 projects C6 and A7


[Mar 2012] - One-week stay at University of Bochum (Germany), guest of the Statistical Me- chanics/Probability group at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Christof K ̈lske
[Jul 2008 - Aug 2008] One-month stay at University of Groningen (The Netherlands), guest of the Statistical Mechanics/Probability group at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Christof K ̈lske
[Dec 2007 - Mar 2008) Three-month stay at University of Groningen (The Netherlands), guest of the Statistical Mechanics/Probability group at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Christof K ̈lske

Selcted Publications

M. Formentin, C. Kuelske, A. Reichenbachs, Metastates in mean-field models with random external fields generated by Markov chains, Journal of Statistical Physics 146(2), (2012)

S.R. Fleurke, M. Formentin, C. Kuelske, Dependent particle deposition on a graph: concentration properties of the height profile, Markov Processes and Related Fields 17(2), 187-208 (2011)

M. Formentin, C. Kuelske, A symmetric entropy bound on the non-reconstruction regime of Markov chains on Galton-Watson trees, Elect. Comm. in Prob 14, 587-596 (2009)

M. Formentin, C. Kuelske, On the Purity of the free boundary condition Potts measure on random trees, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119(9), 2992-3005 (2009)