Last change: April 6th, 2017
The current version of the curriculum vitae et studiorum can be found
Graduated in Physics at University of Padova in 2004. Phd in Physics in 2009 at University of Padova with a thesis on the technology of mirror facets for the Cherenkov telescopes MAGIC and the world-wide project CTA and indirect dark matter searches with gamma rays from annihilation or decay of dark matter in astrophysical environments. Worked at the Insitut de Fisica d'altea Energies (IFAE, Spain, 2004 and 2014), at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB, Spain 2010-2013) and at the Max Planck Institut for Physics (MPI-Munich, Germany 2015). Member of the MAGIC and CTA-LST Executive Boards. Responsible for various working packages (Mirrors, Fundamental Physics in MAGIC and Mirror, Atmospheric Calibration, Fundamental Physics in CTA). Currently associate professor at University of Padua, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Current Position: Associate Professor at University of Padova
- 2015/12-2018/11 Assistant Professor
Tenure-track assistant professor position at
University of Padova (contract type RTDB Art.24.3.B of Law 240 30 Dec 2010)
- 2015/03–2015/08 Postdoctoral fellowship.
Post-doc at Max Planck Institute fuer Physik, Munich (Ger- many). Duration: 6 months.
- 2014/12–2015/02 Postdoctoral fellowship.
3-months post-doc contract at Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies (IFAE, Barcelona, Spain)
- 2013/03–2015/02 Postdoctoral fellowship.
Two-year “Assegno di Ricerca Senior” (Senior Fellowship) at Universitá degli Studi di Padova with the title “Shedding light on the dark with pre- cision gamma ray astronomy. Hardware and Science searches to prepare the ground for the new generation of Cherenkov telescopes to build”.
- 2010/06–2013/02 Postdoctoral fellowship.
33 months contract with the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio 2010 programs CPAN (Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nu- clear) CPAN09-PD13 at Universitat Autónoma of Barcelona (UAB, Barcelona, Spain), Grup de Física de les Radiacións. Supervisor prof. Lluis Font Guiteras through the Insitut de Fisica d’Altes Energies (IFAE, Barcelona, Spain).
- 2010/01–2015/06 Reserch contract
“Ricerca indiretta di Materia Oscura e sviluppo di tecnologie per superfici riflettenti per gli esperimenti MAGIC e CTA” “(Indirect dark matter searches and technological development of reflective surface for MAGIC and CTA experiments)” at Department of Physics, University of Padova, Italy. Duration 6 months.
- 2007/01–2009/12 Reserch contract
“Commissioning del secondo telescopio MAGIC e analisi dei primi dati scientifici con il sistema stereoscopico” “(Commissioning of the second MAGIC telescope and first scientific data analysis with the stereoscopic system)” at University of Padova, Department of Physics. Duration 2 year.
A scientist can be identified through several web-based identifiers. Here are (some of) mines:
- ORCID identifier: 0000-0001-9104-3214. Research page at ORCID: here
- Scopus Author ID: 22834185200. Research page at SCOPUS: here
- ResearcherID: F-9458-2012. Research page at ResearchID: here
There are two very useful web-based spaces where I store material and information about my activities.
- Homepage at link. Here is where I store mostly lectures, outreach slides, and other material.
- Homepage at Research Gate: link. Here is were I provide details and updates on current projects.