Born in Monselice (Padova), 1957, Liceo Scientifico "E.Fermi" (Padova),
graduated in Physics, 1980, at Padova University with a thesis on
the stability of particle orbits in a storage ring (110/110 cum laude).
In 1981 spent one year at KFA (Kern-Forschung-Anlage) laboratory in Julich,
Germany, with a fellowship for the theoretical studies on the space-charge effects in
In 1982 and 1932 spent two year at LAL (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateure Lineaire)
laboratory in Orsay, France, with a fellowship for experimental work on the
DM2 (Detector Magnetic 2). DM2 was a multipurpose detectors in the e+e- collider
at 2 - 3 GeV, which collected several millions of J/psi events.
In 1984-1986 PhD of I cycle at Padova University with a thesis on the spectroscopy
of the J/psi into couple of vector mesons (original works about the statistical analysis
and Partial Wave Analysis of new resonant states).
In 1987 non permanent position of INFN researcher. Started collaboration in the ZEUS
Experiment at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. Work on the reconstruction of tracks.
In 1988 staff position of INFN researcher.
In 1988-2000 one of the authors of the multipurpose Monte Carlo HERWIG.
In 1991-1992 spent a sabbatical year in FERMILAB, Chicago, USA, working
in the CDF experiment. Orginal first studies of the analysis of the all hadronic
decays of the top quark.
In 1993 got position of Primo Ricercatore INFN.
From 1993 to 2000 several roles as Physics Coordinator and member of Editorial Boards in ZEUS.
From 1999 organizing new group and collaboration with the OPERA experiment about the
search for direct appearance of nu-tau neutrinos from nu-mu neutrinos. Responsibility
of the Inner Tracker of the muon Spectrometers. Statistical analysis on the first tau candidate observed in June 2010.
In 2002 granted by ISI-Thomson as one of the first 15 physics in the world with most of
citations in the previous decade (at that time with about 300 papers and 16,000 cited references).
In 2002 got position of Dirigente di Ricerca INFN.
From 2007 began collaboration within the GERDA experiment on the search for double-beta neurinoless decay.
In 2011 set up the NESSiE Collaboration for searching Sterile Neutrinos at the new Short-Base-Line beam at CERN.
Presently co-author of more than 500 papers with about 30,000 citations.
H-index of 96 .
From 1993 to 2001 teaching of Physics I and II to Engineers and Physics courses.
From 1997 to 2001 teaching of SubNuclear Physics to Physics courses
From 2009 teaching of Medical Physics
In 2010 teaching of Data Analysis to Physics courses