Partecipation to Conferences, Workshop and Seminars on Computing
- International School of Science Journalism Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy "The Digital world"
School Site
Procedure of large data sample versus available computing power: the never ending race (odp)
- CHEP'09, 17th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
21 - 27 March 2009 Prague, Czech Republic Conference Site
CDF way to Grid (PDF) Published Proceedings
- 3rd International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Bangalore, India, December 10th to 13th 2007 Conference Site CDF Monte Carlo Production on LCG GRID via LcgCAF Presentation
and published Proceedings
- Tier 1 Review 28-29 August 2007 (pdf)
- 2006 Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and 15th International Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop, October 29 - Nov. 4, San Diego, California2006 Conference Site LcgCAF: CDF submission portal to LCG talk (pdf) . Published Proceedings (pdf)
- Super Computing 2006 11-17 November 2006, Tampa Florida Conference Site LcgCAF Poster/Brochure ppt and pdf
- EGEE 06 Conference 25-29 September Geneva Conference Site LcgCAF Poster ppt and pdf
- Tier 1 Referees Meeting March 1-2, 2006 CNAF Bologna
``CDF Tier1 Usage '' Slides
- INFN Grid Meeting January 12-13, 2006 CNAF Bologna
``CDF Status'' Slides (PDF)
- CDF Italia January 9-10, 2006 Pisa ``Status of Computing'' Slides (PDF)
- III Workshop Italiano sulla Fisica di ATLAS e CMS Bari 20-22 October, 2005
``Esperienze del Computing e del Software negli esperimenti in "running" CDF/BaBar '' Slides (PDF)
- Joint Phisics Meeting August, 20th 2005 FNAL
``The sam_upload: a tool to store and catalogue files with SAM''
Slides (PDF)