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Lorenzo Fortunato - PRAT

IN:Theory - Interdisciplinary Applications of Nuclear Theory: from atoms and molecules to stars
P.R.A.T. - Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo (bando 2015) - Univ. Padova

The exploratory project aims at starting a new research line on applications of algebraic models of nuclear theory to the ab initio exact solution of many-body problem with the aim to apply it to atomic physics first and to the nuclear problem later on. We have in mind a precise mathematical framework that can be easily implemented in computer codes and tested against well-known 'atomic' bechmarks. When this is achieved it can be used to explore new systems in the nuclear domain and new phenomena (drip-lines, proton-neutron asimmetry, three-body foces, etc.)

Project Approved: 25/01/2016
Project Running: 01/02/2016- 31/01/2018
Project code: CPDA154713
Post-doc position: Summer 2016- Summer 2018 (tentative dates)
Principal Investigator: L.Fortunato
Other participants: 9 (Ph.d., researchers, professors and visiting researchers)
Total budget: 67kE

# POST-DOC POSITION in Theoretical Nuclear Physics assigned to Dr. Oishi Tomohiro ( 09/2016 - ...) !!
See Position -advertisement <===
The Deadline is now closed.
# TESI di DOTTORATO DISPONIBILI per vincitori di concorso a Padova interessati al progetto.
# Ph.D. THESIS AVAILABLE for winners of public selections according to the rules of Padova University (foreigners can try with dedicated grants, see

The project is divided in two lines of action.

Line of Action 1) "consolidation" will focus on strenghtening our ability to make calculations of nuclear structure and reaction properties of interest to the new domains of physics (exotic nuclei, new facilites such as SPES) and of reaction of astrophysical insterest (for example for LUNA).

Published results:
c01- "Electromagnetic selection rules in the triangular alpha-cluster model of 12C", G.Stellin, L.Fortunato and A.Vitturi, J.Phys. G 43, 085104 (2016)
c02- "Electromagnetic selection rules for 12C in a 3alpha cluster model", L.Fortunato, G.Stellin and A.Vitturi, Few-Body Systems (2017) 58: 19
c03 - "Applications of nuclear physics to a wider context: from molecules to stars passing through hypernuclei", L. Fortunato, to be published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser. (2017)

Line of Action 2) "startup" will start a new research line on applications of algebraic models of nuclear theory to the ab initio exact solution of many-body problem with the aim to apply it to atomic physics first and to the nuclear problem later on. We have in mind a precise mathematical framework that can be easily implemented in computer codes and tested against well-known 'atomic' bechmarks. When this is achieved it can be used to explore new systems in the nuclear domain and new phenomena (drip-lines, proton-neutron asimmetry, three-body foces, etc.)

Published results:
s01- "Algebraic theory of endohedrally confined diatomic molecules: application to H2@C60"
L.Fortunato and F.Perez-Bernal, Phys. Rev. A 94, 032508 (2016)

Milestones achieved:
  • Oct 2016: Mathematical framework completed
  • Nov 2016: Formula for sigma coefficients in ho basis found (N=3, 1D)
  • Nov 2016: Formula for sigma coefficients in ho basis found (any N , 1D)
  • Nov 2016: Cloud computer used to calculate table of sigma coefficients
  • Dec 2016: Implementation of code for N=3, 1D successful
  • 17 Jan 2017: Submission of preprint "Diagonalization scheme for the many-body Schroedinger equation" to the arXiv
  • Feb-Mar 2017: Implementation of N=3, 1D with any two-body potential
  • Jun 2017: Addition of time evolution to 1D systems (T. Oishi)
  • Summer 2017: Found a strategy to implement 3D in cartesian coordinates
  • Oct 2017: Subroutine for cartesian to spherical basis implemented
  • ...

  • Institutions involved in the project:

    UNIPD       DFA       INFN       CLOUD

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