"Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum. A closer scrutiny assured me, however, that it was only a small calf roasted whole,..."

Here's my Ph.D. thesis
Curriculum Vitae, complete
After graduating in Torino I moved to Padova for the Ph.D. Here I worked on various theoretical calculations: the effect of width on the excitation of Double Phonon Giant Resonances, excitation of the Giant Pairing Vibration using Exotic Beams, breakup reactions of light weakly-bound nuclei (6Li,7Li, etc.) in a cluster model, modifications of the Steinwedel-Jensen model, etc. Recently I worked out new solutions of Bohr's collective hamiltonian with gamma-instability, with axial symmetry and in triaxial cases and I'm pursuing other reseach in this area and in the use of algebraic method in nuclear physics.
I have spent some nice time in Seville (Spain) during the Ph.D. and one nice year in Gent (Belgium) as a Post-Doc funded by FWO. There I have continued my studies of Collective model and learned lots of new things. I came back in Padova with a research grant and I have held a temporary research position within the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) from 2005-2007. After another research grant in Padova, I moved to the ECT* in Trento and now I'm back to Padova with a permanent research position in nuclear structure and nuclear reaction theory, Ricercatore Universitario from 2011 and now Professore Associato from 2015. I have also received habilitation to full professor in Apr. 2017.
Currently I'm interested in many-body bosonic models either with an ab-initio approach (direct solution of the many-body Schrodinger equation) and with a non-linear Lie algebra approach, in the collective models with special solution of the Bohr hamiltonian that can be applied to shape phase transitions, in algebraic models (IBM, IBFM), two-neutron transfer reactions in IBM within the boson coherent states formalism, and various reactions with halo nuclei (break-up, transfer) with potential nuclear astrophysics applications. The structure of 6He is also one of my research topics at the moment as well as discrete symmetries in nuclear structure.
I'm also studying how to apply algebraic models, originally born in nuclear physics to different domains of physics such as, for example, supramolecular complexes as a diatomic hydrogen molecule caged in a fullerene (H2@C60) or Lambda particles entrapped in hypernuclei.
Informal CV
I was born in a mountain land in the northern part of Italy, in a valley dominated by the huge Monte Rosa (pink mount). From young age i was fascinated by the utter beauty of natural phenomena and gradually my interests flew towards the investigation of physics at the quantum level, being the atomic nucleus my preferred field of 'entertainment'... ehm ... study and that's all. Except burning my (indeed very small) brain upon such a crazy thing as theoretical nuclear physics and other mathematically unuseful stuffs are, I like to go hiking through my 'own' mountains and to sleep out with my tent, I like to travel and see how people live around the world, I'm a very introversive guitarist, playing and singing some rock'n'roll and other not-so-much-beloved bluegrass and country music (at least in Italy) for my personal satisfaction and I like to enjoy beer with my friends.
"You look like Kojac"-->
by Daniel Goodson
"You look like Stam"-->
by Mancaman
"You look like my elder brother"-->
by my younger brother
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