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u2.g --> implementation of u(2) algebra in terms of scalar bosons
u2xu2.g --> implementation of u(2)xu(2) algebra in terms of two sets of scalar bosons
u3.g --> implementation of u(3) algebra in terms of a vector boson
u4vibron.g --> implementation of the u(4) algebra of the Vibron model.
rootsys.g --> A function written by Willem de Graaf that is called by the u(3) and u(4) files.
cyc2rad.g --> A function written by me that is used to transform cyclotomic numbers used by GAP4 in readable square roots and fractions. I suggest modifying your gap.rc file in the bin directory by adding the line: Read("../cyc2rad.g"); with appropriate path.

symplectic2pZ.g --> Available soon
symplectic2pX.g --> Available soon

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