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This page lists the people that have spent some time in Padova working or studying in our group as Post-docs or as Ph.D. students.


  • Gagandeep SINGH (India)
    Post-doc: Limits of nuclear stability: Physics 15/9/2020-31/6/2022

  • Tomohiro OISHI (Japan)
    Post-doc: IN:Theory project (PRAT) 1/9/2016-1/9/2018
    Interdisciplinary Applications of Nuclear Theory
    Presently at Univ. Zagreb (Croatia)

  • José-Antonio LAY-VALERA (Spain)
    Post-doc: Piscopia fellow (Marie Curie) 11/2014-08/2016
    Exotic Nuclei: Structure and Reactions of Weakly Bound Systems
    Presently at LNS Catania, Italy Univ. Sevilla, Spain

  • Jagjit SINGH (India)
    Ph.D. student 01/2013-01/2016
    Thesis title: "New approaches to the physics of weakly-bound nuclei: treatment of continuum in 6He"
    Presently at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

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